will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.
The top two are my right ovary with the cysts, the bottom left is my left ovary.
The top two are my right ovary with the cysts, the bottom left is my left ovary.
Comments (2)
758493 tn?1271611163
tinkerbell101, Jul 28, 2009
Vanessa I am rubbish at reading scans but completely shocked at what they found on your right ovary, I really really hope that they can get this under control for you soon. Good luck xxx sending you lots of hugs xxx
628735 tn?1273875777
nunu1977, Jul 28, 2009
this US was the one I had done November last year. the one that the dr thought it was a benign tumor but two weeks later it was gone. this was the only time he found one this big but i am wondering how many times they have got this big.
I am expecting them to find fluid from a ruptured cyst and maybe even some cysts still there. In the end the dr said that this cyst was  a functional cyst. so from what i read the egg was not released and the follicle just kept on growing until i ruptured. this is why i don't think im ovulating. I think the egg doesn't get released and the follicle keeps on growing, and causing all the pain