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"Grazing Fawn."
"Grazing Fawn."
Comments (3)
1271743 tn?1320892461
skmedlin27703, Sep 23, 2010
Oh my! Those things run out in front of my car all the time!
577285 tn?1706032371
Burrpatch, Sep 23, 2010
LOL !! Me too! Last night I was on my way back from photographing the moon to the east and the sunset to the west, when a big buck and a doe bolted out in front of me!! I slammed the brakes, sending Cassy Lou who was next to me into the dash!!

Luckily, Cassy's okay because I was going rather slow and watching both sides of the road ahead of me, as I know from much experience that they love to run across roads at dusk when you least expect it!!

Yet they STILL surprised me as they jumped, almost suicidally, from the trees and tall grasses.  Dang Critters!!

I have a theory, that they are blinded as well as slightly hypnotized by headlights approaching them at night and especially at dusk. One will inexplicably bolt into the road to escape the light, causing the rest of the bucks, does and fawns to follow suit.

I have not hit one in years. The last time I did, it trashed my entire front end!! Needless to say, it helped pay me back by volunteering to join my freezer of winter meat that very night!! Expensive Venison!!  

I'm glad we don't have MOOSE!! When you hit deer, they give way to your right, left, into your windshield (the most dangerous) or over the top of your vehicle.  However, when you hit a MOOSE, it's like hitting a brick wall. Cars and trucks are totaled and 80% of the time your either in a hospital or a morgue.

Wild turkeys can also be a threat. I had one on the side of the road, about 50 yards ahead of me, wait until I was close enough before deciding to fly across the road and THROUGH my windshield!! Luckily he came through my passenger side that was empty.

He was flopping around the cab, with feathers flying everywhere almost causing me to hit another car!! I pulled over and did what I had to do to the broken bird. He volunteered for my freezer as well, that very night.

I got a new windshield from a junkyard and had it installed for $200. It may have been a deal for a windshield, but it was the most expensive Turkey I have ever eaten !!     LOL !!  :o)     ~ Burr

547913 tn?1317355667
jimi1822, Sep 23, 2010
Oh My GOD Mr B, Sooooooo Beautiful =o)