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Catcher doing what she does best
Catcher doing what she does best
Comments (4)
242912 tn?1660619837
Jade59, Aug 12, 2010
Aww...Catcher is a gorgeous, very healthy looking girl.  
370181 tn?1716862802
RubyWitch, Aug 16, 2010
She does still look pretty damn good for 17 doesn't she? We also had one of her sisters who sadly died last summer. She was a beautiful pure black female, very slim with bright green eyes. Her name was Oprah. She had the six toes as well and always looked like she was wearing great big boots. It was adorable. I miss her.
242912 tn?1660619837
Jade59, Aug 16, 2010
She looks Great for 17!  I never would have guessed her age.  All that beauty and fresh age keeping her young looking :)  So sorry for the loss of her sister, Linda.  That's always so devastating to deal with.  
1118884 tn?1338592850
29sillygirl, Aug 19, 2011
A sleeping beauty.  Thanks for your pics, Linda....making my day.  Oops here comes Diego...captive now to his portly self stretched out on lap....