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mama n' Grey on our new, free, hideous (free) couch
mama n' Grey on our new, free, hideous (free) couch
Comments (4)
676912 tn?1332812551
smjmekg, Sep 04, 2010
*like* *like* *like* Cute mommy and baby boy moment! BTW the couch could be SO much worse we had one that smelled SO bad, we had to spray it every day, and had a cover on it that we washed probably every three days...
1035252 tn?1427227833
Ashelen, Sep 04, 2010
well the couch smells great because the woman that owned it was a clean freak and had no pets or kids....but it looks like a bunch of flowers had an orgy and then vomited all over the fabric...but I'm not complaining, really, because it's very comfy as you can see LOL
676912 tn?1332812551
smjmekg, Sep 04, 2010
Definitely can tell it's comfy...the people that owned ours last had a dog. He chewed and peed on the couch, didn't find out about the pee til we had it loaded in the couch ready to leave...
800427 tn?1324945719
Sunkissed19, Sep 04, 2010
that is one hideous couch lol! we also have a hideous flowered couch...might even be worse than this one (also free..a hand me down from DF's parents its like 2638634638 years old)...but we got a chocolate brown suede slip cover for it....does wonders! looks great now although its still uncomfortable as all get out...DF is hoping for a new one for his birthday!