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2 little teeth (came out at 5 months 1 week)
2 little teeth (came out at 5 months 1 week)
Comments (5)
1169162 tn?1331232353
nola0805, Oct 22, 2010
I can't believe he has teeth already!!  He is so precious and getting so big.
803938 tn?1403748253
Ecologic, Oct 22, 2010
He must be around 18lbs now... he was only 7lbs 2oz at birth! They change so fast, I am constantly amazed!
377493 tn?1356502149
adgal, Oct 22, 2010
They look so cute with 2  He is just adorable!
1123420 tn?1350561158
ammanda, Nov 11, 2010
Aww cole hasnt got any teeth yet :( but he sure has been fussy alot more lately, so im guessing anytime!!
803938 tn?1403748253
Ecologic, Nov 16, 2010
I am not even sure when his teeth came out! One Thursday I checked: no teeth. The following Tuesday I checked again: 2 teeth! It was not too bad of a period and he slept well at night. Waiting for the upper front teeth now!