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Comments (4)
470885 tn?1326329037
Limonada, Oct 26, 2010
Can we say.....tummy time MASTER?? :))
1123420 tn?1350561158
ammanda, Oct 26, 2010
hes so good, he gets up on his knees and his elbows, then falls down lol...

and yes thats my hannah montana blanket.. haha i love that show. i dont like miley cyrus just the show!! lol
1035252 tn?1427227833
Ashelen, Oct 26, 2010
i was about to ask if you have that poor boy on a hannah montana blanket ;) hehehe

he's so freaking cute Ammanda...he's growing so fast...he's going to be crawling like any day IMO. at least commando crawling!
1123420 tn?1350561158
ammanda, Oct 26, 2010
Yea his blankets are too small, and hes all over the place, i dont like him on the actual carpet.  he loves hannah montana he watches it with me! lol... and yea earlier he was getting on his knees and scooting alil bit, i think thats what you mean bout commando! lol