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my big boy drinking from his straw sippy...he's 8 months old now!
my big boy drinking from his straw sippy...he's 8 months old now!
Comments (4)
1940169 tn?1324137898
purplecupcakeglitter, Dec 14, 2011
Your babies are so cute!
377493 tn?1356502149
adgal, Dec 14, 2011
Wow, good job Grey!  And good job momma!  We didn't get off of bottle and onto sippy until over a year.  Smart and so darned cute to boot.  Look at him go!
1609417 tn?1389642778
haz1104, Dec 14, 2011
I love those adorable big eyes! and look at him holding on to the sippy cup lol SO cute!
1035252 tn?1427227833
Ashelen, Dec 14, 2011
awww thank you ladies so much!! this is actually from earlier this year, my sweet "little" boy is already 17 months...where does the time go?!