Comments (3)
363243 tn?1331033850
coco727272, Apr 25, 2011
Sooo adorable!!
1598194 tn?1310626375
lollybye, Apr 25, 2011
aww THANKS,I know :) soooo cute,he's one of my foster dogs:) I rescued him ,he was living in horrible conditions -(puppy- mill ) and was thrown on a pile of dogs that were going to be killed because, he had one testicle that did not drop and the horrible people that were running this one (of many ) puppy-mills, said he would be no use to her cause he would not produce more puppies...he was less then 3lbs when I rescued him and about 5 months . He has to be one of the smartest dogs I have ever met and I've met and rescued hundreds in my volunteer work :) he is now 5 1/2lbs full-grown and a year next month. Just a lil honey pie!!!  THANKS !  
1157646 tn?1343967128
Nat_16, Apr 25, 2011
Aww...he is so cute!!!!  