Taking a nap with Mr. Bill, my 23 lb. cat.
Taking a nap with Mr. Bill, my 23 lb. cat.
Comments (3)
1915535 tn?1323466461
SuzG, Dec 11, 2011
Oh my goodness! Mr. Bill looks almost exactly like my newly adopted Titan! He is at 17 lbs., trying to reduce weight on both of my cats. Guess we do have much in common,eh? Titan has that "coon" tail as my husband calls it. He also is polydactyl - meaning he has 5 toes on each foot
1391441 tn?1333847961
glair, Dec 11, 2011
He is certainly over weight but he has always been a big boy.My other catis a little female (8 lb.) and she slaps Bill around and bosses him all the time. Bill has no idea how big he is. You can pick him up and turn him upside down and he loves the attention.
How old is your Titan?
1711722 tn?1356487554
beeblessed, Jan 14, 2012
OMG!!!  What a sweet, sweet kitty!  I love that he has his head and paw reaching out to your heart.  Thanks for sharing Mr. Bill with us :)