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my babies playing together :-).
my babies playing together :-).
Comments (5)
1035252 tn?1427227833
Ashelen, Jan 08, 2012
Grey doesn't feel too great in this pic; he was throwing up between 1AM-3AM the night before it was taken (last night) but it was too cute to pass up, "puny" eyes or not!
377493 tn?1356502149
adgal, Jan 08, 2012
Awww. poor little babe.  This is a great pic nice to see siblings playing together like that.  This is one "frame worthy" for sure.  Your kids are so cute.
294043 tn?1354207946
Helen72, Jan 08, 2012
Nice!  They look like best friends!
506791 tn?1439842983
Piparskeggr, Jan 08, 2012
Big sis looks so much more confident, which is a good thing. =)
1035252 tn?1427227833
Ashelen, Jan 08, 2012
Thank you guys so much! They are definitely super close, and I hope when Ronan is born that they take to him as quickly as they took to each other - my daughter has adored her baby brother since the minute she laid eyes on him, and he's such a cuddle bug...he'll come up to her randomly and throw his arms around her for a huge hug just every now and then, it's so precious.

Pipar- my daughter is a little diva, that's for sure! Grey is usually a lot more plucky - he's the adventurous one, in fact, but he was NOT feeling super good when I took this picture so he looks a bit puny :-(. but yes, she definitely has confidence enough for both even if he didn't LOL.

I think it's so funny how demented my daughter looks in this picture, but I can NEVER get her to give me a serious smile..she's always hamming it up!