baby c- girl 19w3d
baby c- girl 19w3d
Comments (2)
195469 tn?1388322888
Heather3418, May 24, 2012
Baby C must have been moving around in this shot.  It looks like her legs are bent up near her body.  It seems your little girls are petite, while your boy looks like he is heavier and bigger boned.  Just like you would expect.

You are doing an excellent job Shannon, baking these little miracles.  I am so happy for you, but don't envy you when all three babies want their bottles at the same time...LOL  I'm sure you will have lots of offer's of help, when the babies come home.  Two girls and a boy.  What a perfect family, all in one package.

All the best to you, little momma,
Heather from the MS Forum  
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shanniree, May 24, 2012
Baby C is always moving lol. Im sure it will be a handfull when they are hungry lol. i just hope i have some kind of help. Thank you so much for your kind words :)