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Lailah's Nursery
Lailah's Nursery
Comments (2)
195469 tn?1388322888
Heather3418, Aug 23, 2012
So, so precious.  Make sure you save this blanket, sealed up good and give it back to your daughter when she is expecting her very first child.  There are places that vacuum seal precious articles, like wedding dresses and such, to make sure this blanket will be preserved, long after baby Laila'h Victoria is through with it.  It's just a thought.....

This is going to be one spoiled little girl....but that's what children are for. They truly are gifts from our Creator.  Cherish all those moments, Phyllis; because it really is true what they say..."children grow up so fast, right in front of your eyes."  In the blink of an eye it seems that they are all grown up and off to college. (hopefully) Then you blink again and they have started family's of their own.  Take it from a momma that now is a great-grandmother.  It seems like only yesterday, I was holding my newborn babies in my arms for the very first time.  Where did the time go?

God Bless you, Phyllis.  I send all my love to you and your expanding family.  Life is such a miracle.
1969424 tn?1353020641
SeptemberBound, Aug 23, 2012
Thank you Heather, this blanket is from my belly buddy here on MH, it was such a thought gift.  I love it and hope Laila'h does also.  I will treasure my days with Laila'h as she grows, I want her to enjoy being a child and not grow up so fast.  thank you so much for all of your words of wisdom, I will keep them close!