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Comments (3)
1422615 tn?1334064234
rmmoye, Oct 30, 2012
5 shot . 1 really huge painful bruise and the rest just hurt a little.  Sorry it looks so gross.. i am swollen right now so it makes me look worse.
922048 tn?1387942584
Sherri90049, Oct 30, 2012
For me when I do them a little higher, right at the level of the belly button, but not too close to the belly button, I have better luck there. I get bruises when I do it as low as you did it. Not sure how old that one is, but take my advice about the heat. Give it at least a day after the bruise appears, but then put heat on it a few times a day for 10-15 mins. You'll be surprised how fast it starts to dissolve. Hang in there, sweetie!
1422615 tn?1334064234
rmmoye, Oct 31, 2012
THank you. I will try to do it higher. i did the heat last night. The big one was from Sunday.