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awesome prince :D
awesome prince :D
Comments (7)
1396867 tn?1520810258
hopeitworks, Jan 09, 2013
oh he sure is a awesome and truly handsom prince!
1609417 tn?1389642778
haz1104, Jan 09, 2013
thanks!! (with a big fat smile on my face) ...I adore this lil thing! haha..i made this costume for him to match the theme..of the birthday a lot of compliments on it..and he seemed to enjoy roaming around wearing a prince costume haha
1396867 tn?1520810258
hopeitworks, Jan 09, 2013
You made that!? UGH I buy Q everything as I have no talent and spend a arm and a leg in the process haha
1609417 tn?1389642778
haz1104, Jan 09, 2013
i bought the jacket of course didnt make it from scratch..but it took me two fricken hrs to add the lil accessories thu....didnt know i had the talent either..u can surprise urself some time haha
1396867 tn?1520810258
hopeitworks, Jan 09, 2013
haha. I did watch and I want to attempt one for her bday, of course then i see the ones alrady made and think oh geesh just slide the debit card and be done haha
1571146 tn?1399909692
Moma_Cher, Jan 09, 2013
What a great costume!! Youdid good Hala!!
1609417 tn?1389642778
haz1104, Jan 09, 2013
hopeitworks, can't deny the fact that its not the hardest thing to do..haha..especially when ur using some1 else (which is my case) haha..usually when I'm using DHs visa card an automated msg informs him of whatever amount i withdrew/spent..i ALWAYS follow it with an "enjoy" msg haha..

Cheri: and I had lots of fun doing took up all my free/relaxing time but still..was worth it! glad u liked it :)