The day after his ear amputation Op.
The day after his ear amputation Op.
Comments (10)
874521 tn?1424116797
opus88, Dec 28, 2009
Ohhh poor Maxx, he looks so dazed yet, I sure hope this all healed for him good....I hate those collars, must be total frustration for kitties who just naturally want to paw!
Your other babies are darlings too!
996946 tn?1503249112
LindaTX, Dec 28, 2009
Poor baby Maxx, but l'm sure he will be fine.  Like opus said, Jade59's cat underwent the same procedure and is doing great. I think the worst part is having to wear that darn collar.
203342 tn?1328737207
April2, Dec 28, 2009
Aw poor thing! He looks a little like my Misha. He's in good company! Misha has to wear the collar for another 3 days at least. They will both be so happy when they can get them off! I think that's the worst part. I know I wouldn't like having that thing around my neck! Best wishes for a speedy recovery!
242912 tn?1660619837
Jade59, Dec 28, 2009
Hi there! :)  I see Maxx literally had only his ear tips removed.  Poor baby :(   The worse part is over and once his stitches come out and his fur grows in, you won't even be able to tell the difference.  Is his surgery recent?  Did he have a chest xray to make sure the cancer didn't metastasize?   Compared to Maxx,  Jade had nearly both her entire ears removed!   She just has little nubs now, but she is just fine and Maxx will be too :)  It looks like the surgeon did a nice job.  Jade's ears came out very lopsided and I've wondered if I shouldn't have shopped around for a vet who had done lots of these surgeries.  Too late now, though.  Jade was lucky in that she didn't need to wear that collar since the surgery didn't seem to bother her and she didn't scratch.  She was under supervision though, of course...

Prayers to Maxx for a quick healing!!!
242912 tn?1660619837
Jade59, Dec 28, 2009
Hi there! :)  I see Maxx literally had only his ear tips removed.  Poor baby :(   The worse part is over and once his stitches come out and his fur grows in, you won't even be able to tell the difference.  Is his surgery recent?  Did he have a chest xray to make sure the cancer didn't metastasize?   Compared to Maxx,  Jade had nearly both her entire ears removed!   She just has little nubs now, but she is just fine and Maxx will be too :)  It looks like the surgeon did a nice job.  Jade's ears came out very lopsided and I've wondered if I shouldn't have shopped around for a vet who had done lots of these surgeries.  Too late now, though.  Jade was lucky in that she didn't need to wear that collar since the surgery didn't seem to bother her and she didn't scratch.  She was under supervision though, of course...

Prayers to Maxx for a quick healing!!!
242912 tn?1660619837
Jade59, Dec 28, 2009
Oops!  LOL...DiamondFox...please feel free to delete one of my entries :)
1149072 tn?1269769247
DiamondFox, Dec 29, 2009
Thanks for your comments and experiences with your Cat Jade - very very kind of you to take time out to contact me. Thanks ever so much.  The collar is off now, and the fur is growing rapidly.  Every day I see so much difference, it amazes me!!  He's going to look a real stunner once a few weeks have passed judging on his current appearance.  The Vet even gave him a little Mohican haircut if you very 'cool'.....ha ha.  And in answer to your question yes he did have the chest x-ray and everything is just fine.  You must have a brilliant cat if she didn't even need to wear a collar.  Maxx was a nightmare before and after the Op......always fidgeting (of course he is the male of the species - enough said!!).
Kind regards,  DiamondFox
1149072 tn?1269769247
DiamondFox, Dec 29, 2009
Hi April2 - sorry I got the 'order of play' wrong.  I intended adding my comment to you before I replied to Jade, I'm so sorry.  I'm new to this you see.  I hope Misha is doing well.  Maxx is out of his collar now I'm pleased to say and thankfully he's not fidgeting and scratching with his 'new' ears. And yes there are few things I can think of that just might be worse than having a huge elizabethan style collar around my neck, but hey, I can't think of them at the moment - it must be so traumatic for them.  Poor little darlings.   Do let me know how Misha progresses won't you ?  Best wishes,  DiamondFox
242912 tn?1660619837
Jade59, Dec 29, 2009
Yes, the fur grows rapidly.  Maxx looks very cute with his mohawk!  Jades fur was mostly grown in after one month and completely after two.  I believe I posted a pic at the 2mo mark.  We had to board Jade at the vet for the 2wks the stitches were in because she is indoor/outdoor and I am not well enough to care for a cat who is not used to a litter box!  Jade is VERY laid much so, they let her just roam at the vet when there weren't any patients.  She's a very good girl!  I believe they just put the collar on at night when no one was there, otherwise, she went without it.  She adapted well to the hospital, but once we got her home she had the most horrendous herpes breakout.  Her poor eyes were so red and glassy and she could barely open them.  This was last July and I am still dealing with her eyes not being quite right.  Give her Lysine on her food to help, but I'm not sure if it's helping at all :(  

We have had to medicate Jade for one reason or another since we got her oh, almost four years ago and she is sooo good about it...we are VERY lucky in that respect!!

I would love to see a new picture of Maxx and his progress :)  So glad he's doing well...

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beatingthis, Dec 29, 2009
Poor Baby!!

Just breaks my heart to see them hurt. Max look really great though with his mohawk!
Get well soon Max!!
