Miss Teia exploring beyond the deck for the first time, with Hildie offering some encouragement.
Miss Teia exploring beyond the deck for the first time, with Hildie offering some encouragement.
Comments (7)
874521 tn?1424116797
opus88, May 27, 2013
aww some freedom, how wonderful the sounds, feel and smell of the outdoors must be for the first time...wonderful to see. Pip, I use a harness and leash for my Sami, who loves the outdoors so much, he walks and gardens in the backyard with so good for him. when we first got him 8 yrs ago he was allowed to roam the backyard wiht me until he jumped the fence one day...since than the harness:))
242912 tn?1660619837
Jade59, May 27, 2013
What a great pic!  Looking forward to more 'outdoor' scenes. :)
506791 tn?1439842983
Piparskeggr, May 27, 2013
We always keep the girls between us and the house, with the door slightly ajar so they know that the way to Home is always open, especially since Anita "lost" Chessie 3 summers ago when he was having a bad day.  Chessie came home after 15 hours.

The girls do not get out unless both Anita and I are available to watch them.
874521 tn?1424116797
opus88, May 27, 2013
yes I am the very same with mine.....Nemo never strays far from me so he's allowed to go without a leash and he scampers to the open door if he hears a sound he's not familiar with, but since that one attempt I could never trust Sami again thus the harness...even so he is never outdoors alone.
great to see the girls enjoying their new surroundings.....:)
740516 tn?1360942486
AppleBr, May 28, 2013
Only Loreena enjoys the " Natural Life " in the backyard - I pit the kids but they have no prepare for and its  not possible  to keep both on a leash at the same time nor them apart from each other.
Great pic,pip!
681148 tn?1437661591
FurballsMom, May 30, 2013
They both look so content and happy.
506791 tn?1439842983
Piparskeggr, May 30, 2013
...and Miss Teia is walking easier these days.  She's been pretty steady between 15 1/2 - 16 pounds for over a year, she was almost 20 when she came to us.