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Broken toe
Broken toe
Comments (4)
4670047 tn?1375730401
mzkity, Sep 09, 2013
Ouch!! I do think you should of had things checked out. Unless you went today. But if not watch for infection. Take it easy girl!!!
4043517 tn?1374006573
mckansas, Sep 09, 2013
Yeah I'm going to go tomorrow.  I could get an infection and my neck is so stiff today.
4670047 tn?1375730401
mzkity, Sep 09, 2013
Good for you!! Let us know what doc says!!!  Hope you can get some sleep.
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Advocate1955, Sep 10, 2013
Yikes.  Poor mckansas.  Rest, elevate, ice.  See the doctor.