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We need people to see this
We need people to see this
Comments (12)
643704 tn?1304684432
Flicka0459, Oct 23, 2008
I hope I don't offend anyone with this.  But we need to have a voice.  We need to make someone who can help, see this.  I hope you know that I did for the love of my Sister Jan.
282804 tn?1236833591
Jan214, Oct 23, 2008
Oh sweetie, it is perfect and you are right we need more people to see this.  I LOVE it.  Going to steal it and put it on mine, maybe more people will see it.  Love ya, Jan
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cirella, Oct 23, 2008
I think this is a very powerful statement.

Are you guys really sisters??  Sorry, had to ask.  L
408448 tn?1286883821
marie3B, Oct 23, 2008
These are definitely the questions that need to be answered.  This needs to be on billboards all over the country.  NO, all over the world.  Marie
643704 tn?1304684432
Flicka0459, Oct 23, 2008
Yes Lori Jan and I are sisters. She is 3 years older than me.  I had always thought that in some ways we were alike.  Like our same sarcastic manners and sense of humor.  We both love a practical joke.  I'll have to post my picture one day when I take a good one (don't hold your breath).

Actually, I created this in Illustrator and then put it in Flash.  It's kind of cool how each one pops in till the page is full.  I think this would make an awesome commercial.
356929 tn?1246389756
Sandymac, Oct 23, 2008
This is wonderful... And yes, the commercial is a great idea !!! Have you approached anyone about this?  And, I know you must be a character if you're Jan's sister!! (that's a compliment)  She is something else and well loved on this forum...In all seriousness, you should try to put this "out there"!!

272338 tn?1252280404
crecco, Oct 23, 2008
   This is wonderful, and so true. And yes, someone needs to see it, a lot of someones.
340734 tn?1256586262
Angie_Lou, Oct 23, 2008
This is so true.  As the 'artist' this would be wonderful to develop further and get it out there...I'm sure Jan is already thinking of the marketing aspects and copyrighting this for you.  Thanks for sharing it with us all.  Angie
282804 tn?1236833591
Jan214, Oct 28, 2008
I don't think that it is doing what it is supposed to.  Did you say it is supposed to move around and fill in the page? If you put it up on you tube or something like that would it do what it is supposed to?  We only have photos and journals on here, but not videos or anything like that.  The way it is is great, but if you could get it to me in the form you meant it to be, I might be able to get some people to look at it.
329994 tn?1301663248
lvfrogs, Oct 29, 2008
This is good and should be out there, in all doctor offices too.  Thank you for putting this on here.  It would be great if you could get it on you tube, definitely more exposure!