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\river and rocks with trees
\river and rocks with trees
Comments (3)
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maatson, Oct 31, 2013
547368 tn?1440541785
Tuckamore, Aug 06, 2015
Jemma. I love this photo and many of your other still nature photos - been "looking." You have a knack with the camera. What type of camera to you use? I love photography too. I'm looking at getting a newer Nikon - always looking to learn. Anyway Awesome! Thanks for sharing.
4851940 tn?1515694593
jemma116, Aug 06, 2015
Thank you Tuckamore.

This picture is in Glen Strathfarrar, Scotland.   My husband is an avid photographer and I have learned a lot of hints and tips from him - he likes to go to Scotland in the Autumn (your Fall) when the tree leaves have changed colour - sometimes we are a little to late or too early.   The weather in the UK is very unpredictable.

The camera I use is a Panasonic digital bridge camera, Lumix Model No. KMC-FZ72.  It has a brilliant zoom and macro (close up) options as well as many other.  It also takes RAW photos.  
RAW enables you to change the exposure and white balance, etc, which jpeg won't.

The pictures of Scotland dated October 2013 were taken with a Fujifilm EXR Finepix F770EXR this is a compact digital camera, quite small and does RAW and jpegs, zoom, macro and panoramic pictures as well as video. This one does not have a view finder.  

I have also used a digital Cannon which was very good too.

I don't always photograph with RAW and  I still haven't figured out how the camera will take a RAW and jpeg image of the same picture.  

It really depends on what type of camera you are looking for.  Some compacts are also very good and will take RAW as well as jpegs.  My camera will also take videos and panoramic pictures and has a separate view finder as well as the LCD.  My husband purchased this camera for me for Xmas 2013.  In fact he has purchased all the cameras I have had.

Choose a camera that suits your needs.  I like quality pictures and I am very pleased with this camera.  I still take pictures that are out of focus and do rely on the automatic focus.  

One of the most important things in taking a good picture is composition.  So do look in your view finder or your LCD and make sure that trees are not growing out of people's heads or bottles do not appear to be going up people's noses.  Move your object or change your position to get the picture you want.  Of course the lighting and other things also matter.  

I use my camera to take general pictures for my own use, and to record my cake decorations, the plants that I grow and most importantly, my grandchildren.

Happy "snapping".
Best wishes.