will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.
30.3 weeks Pregnant
30.3 weeks Pregnant
Comments (11)
195469 tn?1388322888
Heather3418, Jul 18, 2014
What precious pictures of you and little Jack.  I think your belly is right where it should be, for 30 weeks pregnant.  Considering you have a little less than 10 weeks to go, you are going to see alot of growth, since Jack is doing nothing but maturing and gaining weight at this point.  I'm really hoping that you can have a natural childbirth, if the doctor's let you.  The recovery is SO much easier.  Lookin' good, momma.
4548024 tn?1590005019
renae176, Jul 18, 2014
The only way il be having a natural childbirth is if i go into labor before 39 weeks. because with my son i was stuck at 6 cm for a day and a half and my blood pressure went really high and Cristians Hb started to drop they dont want to risk it. and cause of how big Cristian was at birth. Thanks so much heather, i feel i have got bigger in the past 2 weeks.
2066718 tn?1431143569
TTC2006, Jul 18, 2014
You look beautiful!  Love the belly!
1571146 tn?1399909692
Moma_Cher, Jul 18, 2014
Stunning! Your hair is so long!!!
4625099 tn?1431314305
Grace358, Jul 20, 2014
Love this look really well your dress too
4548024 tn?1590005019
renae176, Jul 20, 2014
thanks so much everyone., baby shower next sunday  :)
1580318 tn?1550254481
Shannon79, Jul 20, 2014
You look great! Love that dress
1434731 tn?1382722384
Lynniepooh, Jul 23, 2014
Avatar universal
ttcbaby4, Jul 24, 2014
You look so beautiful. This is a really nice picture of you.
4548024 tn?1590005019
renae176, Jul 24, 2014
Thanks so much ladies, It means alot to me.  My hubby took it.