will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.
April 09 - feeling pretty good after receiving God's miracle to help me find my help I needed.
April 09 - feeling pretty good after receiving God's miracle to help me find my help I needed.
Comments (7)
393685 tn?1425812522
stella5349, Apr 14, 2009
It's been a fight. But I sure feel good. Wasn't sure about the hair cut I gave myself Saturday, but it looks fine until it grows again.

The major change I see are my eyes. Prior to this shot I had horrible bags and absolutely no "life" in them at all. It started coming back in February09 - but I see major changed to now.  My zest is back and it is noticable here to me. The battle so far is almost 7 yrs and I am not looking back!

This is what becoming balanced with thyroid can happen for everyone. You have to realize what's happening and change the bad into what's right for you again. Keep in mind I have no thyroid left due to RAI - so I NEED to KNOW when I am slipping and correct the issues as soon as possible.

In my situation it was mostly a bad conversion on Synthetic thyroid medication and horrible debilitating vitamin and mineral deficiencies I now supplement daily. I found TSH monitoring did nothing for my overall wellness and watching my conversions of Free T4 and Free T3 really made the difference along with certain supplementation.

The possibilities are endless again for me and I am so grateful to God for allowing me a second chance.

The best advice I can give anyone, is KNOW your body. Believe within yourself. There IS a reason for WHY you feel off and YOU can change that. DOn't take NO for an answer and keep looking for a REAL one.

It can happen for you and if I can help - I surely will try.
499534 tn?1328704178
laura1967, Apr 14, 2009
LOOKING GOOD STELLA!!!!  Seriously, I see a big look vibrant and alive! HUGS!
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Eviegee, Apr 16, 2009
You look great - what a fight you must have had with your thyroid - 6 years!!!  My fight has only just begun.

Well done.

Ps that can't possibly be you in the photo 25 years ago - you don't look much over 25 in this one!!!

Good luck and I hope you stay well.
185634 tn?1257071139
kipland, Apr 16, 2009
What a difference!!  You can definitely tell that you feel better.  You look great!
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ChitChatNine, Apr 24, 2009
WOW .. before I read your message about your eyes, I said to myself THEY LOOK SO BLUE and SO FULL OF LIFE and Happiness!!!!  And then I read your message below the photo and you are so so right!  And your skin looks so healthy, too ... I am so happy for you .. I really am!!!!

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remar, Jul 14, 2009
Your beautiful Stella. You look so healthy. I can't thank you enough for all of the help you've given me. I'm so happy for you that you feel so much better. I love your haircut. Very funky and cute!
599170 tn?1300973893
Cherie762, Jul 15, 2009
You look very pretty and radiant like the inside happiness shows, good for you!!