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This is my Older Mare Lady, I rescued her from a horse trader about 7 years ago.
This is my Older Mare Lady, I rescued her from a horse trader about 7 years ago.
Comment (1)
797340 tn?1240507697
LeniuXenobia, Mar 19, 2009
This horse was 18 years old (approx). We were never sure on her age because she was so run down when I got her. This was about 6 months after I got her. She has put on about 300lbs and her weight was near 700. I liked to play dress up with her, but only rode her short amounts of time due to my size and her malnutrition when I got her. I kept her for 2 years unfortunately didn't have any pictures of her when I got her back up to weight. When I was done she was about 1,100lbs and had put on alot of muscle. I miss her dearly, but when she hit approx 20 I gave her to a friend of the family that had kept me in hay. She was given to his 9 year old daughter and as far as I know she is still healthy at 25 and now just a retired horse. A year ago I checked up on her and she was in a field with 3 other horses and seemed happy.