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Here it is!!! :O Is it important for the test line to get darker?
Here it is!!! :O Is it important for the test line to get darker?  
Comments (30)
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Belle313, Jun 27, 2016
WOW!!! Look at that BEAUTIFUL second line shining thru MOMMA!!!
Your tests look just like they are supposed to, my dear.
In fact, they look really good for being this early.
Baby bean(s) you've gotta snuggle in for the long haul.
Your momma and daddy have waited a long time for you!!
And so have your med help aunties
Congratulations Des!!!!
790669 tn?1465189099
Des_a_rae, Jun 27, 2016
Oh E, I'm crying like a baby.  I talk to these babies all the time.  I pray and ask God to keep them safe.  I'll rub my belly and tell them how much they're wanted and loved.  Oh I pray this goes well.  Thank you so much!!! You're definitely an Auntie!  ;)
2066718 tn?1431143569
TTC2006, Jun 27, 2016
Oh yes, yes, yes!!   I've got absolute tears of joy in my eyes right now!  Doing a happy, stick babies stick dance around my kitchen!   Oh Des!!!  This is amazing!  Yay!!!  
2066718 tn?1431143569
TTC2006, Jun 27, 2016
And to answer your question, yes you want to see the test line get darker, but it's so subjective to how diluted your urine is, and can take days to see the difference, so don't stress if it doesn't look that much different on a given day. The beta tests will be the best way to tell.  I am so, so happy for you!!!  Sticky baby vibes!!!

790669 tn?1465189099
Des_a_rae, Jun 27, 2016
Aww TTC thank you so much!  And you made me giggle.  I cannot believe it.  I'm still in shock.  Yes,  praying these babies are snuggled in.  I cannot wait for beta and then to see how many are in there.  Eeek!!
2020005 tn?1628125976
KTowne, Jun 27, 2016
OMG!!! Des, you're going to be a mom!!!!!!!!!!! Finally!!! I an ecstatic and couldn't be more happy for you, I'll be praying for the healthiest 9 months for mama and baby(ies) both!!!
2020005 tn?1628125976
KTowne, Jun 27, 2016
I agree with TTC.. I tested every other day with FMU with the same brand tests to watch them get darker, and they did noticeably, day by day, not so much. so try not to do every day because it's stressful that way!
2020005 tn?1628125976
KTowne, Jun 27, 2016
I should also add (and stop getting excited and posting, lol!!) that yours looks perfectly darker for two days apart.. if you test tomorrow you'll see a big difference between day 5 and 7.
790669 tn?1465189099
Des_a_rae, Jun 27, 2016
Lol KT!! I cannot express enough how much yall mean to me.  This excitement gives me hope.  It makes me smile and my heart smile.  Yes I'm gonna try to stop obsessing.  Lol :/  Try!!!  It's just crazy because yesterday it was a little darker than yesterday morning but this mornings was the same as yesterday midday.  If you can make sense of that and of course I get all worried.  Ugh.  
1816154 tn?1463430018
hansen20, Jun 27, 2016
im overly joyed for you and your husband sweetie!!! that is so awesome, congrats to you both!!! the bottom test is much darker than the top. im so so   excited and happy for you. lol happy belated fathers day to your husband lol!!!