will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.
see sophie? gonna put one on each side
see sophie? gonna put one on each side
Comments (3)
711224 tn?1344771687
SophieShine, Apr 05, 2009
WOW that beats my pic! Beautiful. xxx.
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mojorisin64, Apr 05, 2009
oh no it doesnt!!! i just wanted you to see what i had found before your pic...can you pry that off that building and ups it to me??? please???
711224 tn?1344771687
SophieShine, Apr 05, 2009
Mojo even in my darkest days you can put a smile on my face!!! thanx A LOT.