Stewart Little
Stewart Little
Comment (1)
881961 tn?1243599437
Janicaa, May 30, 2009
This is Stewart Little and he was born on my platform bird feeder in winter and left by his mother. I found him when he still had his cord attached and I brought him inside and bottle raised him. I had a covered platform bird feeder right outside my kitchen window and an ole stray female feril cat would jump up there for me to feed, I would open my kitchen window and put food out for her, I finally put shelter on it to protect from the cold while she ate and she decided to nest in there. She was totally wild and you could not touch her. One day coming home from the store I saw her jump down from the feeder when I pulled into the drive way and I went into the house and heard this crying, I looked out my window and there lay Stewart still wet. I put him on a warm towel thinking she would return to claim him, needless to say she never did. So after hearing him cry for over an hour I could take it no longer so I took him in and he's rotten. I have a utube clip of him and here's the address if anyone wants to see him.
Just go to u tube and type in videos for Janicacarol
That will bring you to all my videos with stewart and some family ones.