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abi in her school uniform ,
abi in her school uniform ,
Comments (11)
681888 tn?1272922309
star641, Sep 11, 2009
im a big girl now jen ,.......i go to big school,......
449672 tn?1398394807
jeh57, Sep 11, 2009
I see that sweet little thing!!!! You are such a pretty little you like school? Gavin loves school....he made a 100 today on his numbers 1-5 and on ABC.....and the colors red,blue,green,yellow, and black.
681888 tn?1272922309
star641, Sep 11, 2009
aw hes doing good at school jen ,....abi learned a poem about the snake in the grass lol......she even does the hissing sound that the snake does while saying it
449672 tn?1398394807
jeh57, Sep 11, 2009
Snake in the grass...that is cute:)

Gavin is learning little songs too...................they are so cute at that age.
669937 tn?1264044815
fortydd, Sep 13, 2009
Ahhh look at her shes adorable in her little uniform, i have pictures of Tayla on her first day of school too, its mad looking back to see how much they have grown is so little time.
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Dazon50, Sep 14, 2009
Such a cute little "imp"  I like that expression!!!!  New worlds opening up for her!

681888 tn?1272922309
star641, Sep 15, 2009
hi Donna yea a whole new world opening up for abi !.....
Karen put on the picture of Talya ,...
669937 tn?1264044815
fortydd, Sep 15, 2009
I'll rut it out, shes half asleep in it its gas, she'll go mad if she knows Im putting it up!!!
544430 tn?1283712658
cosmiclady, Sep 23, 2009
Ahhh Abi looks lovely in her School Uniform..,,and she looks so well after all that Summer Sunshine...
681888 tn?1272922309
star641, Sep 25, 2009
yeah Ann she gets a great colour ,....but she is sallow all year round like my lisa,......