will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.
Apartment on the bottom floor
Apartment on the bottom floor
Comments (3)
681888 tn?1272922309
star641, Sep 24, 2009
did you stay on the bottom floor ,.........
544430 tn?1283712658
cosmiclady, Sep 24, 2009
We booked into a bed and breakfast to start with ,then we were shopping for Furniture, Fridge microwave  e. t. c.It was hard work ,i think that is why i got ILL,..The first time ive been ill on holiday in 47 years.....Anyway we ended up staying most of the holiday there......even though its not fully furnished yet ...Its that one on the bottom with the 4 windows..........
681888 tn?1272922309
star641, Nov 26, 2009
is that the apartment you bought Ann ,.