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20wks (pic taken by DH)...bear in mind I am reclining...belly isn't THAT big, but almost, lol
20wks (pic taken by DH)...bear in mind I am reclining...belly isn't THAT big, but almost, lol
Comments (6)
145992 tn?1341345074
mami1323, Mar 05, 2010
Shut up, your belly is adorable.  
1035252 tn?1427227833
Ashelen, Mar 06, 2010
awww thank you!!! you really brightened my day, hehe. No one ever comments on my pics anymore and I hate to admit it but getting a compliment really cheers me up LOL
1121273 tn?1325367975
k10road, Mar 06, 2010
Haha...she said shutup...and I have to second that!  Shutup!  It's way cute!  I'm jealous!  I just love pregnant bellies.
800427 tn?1324945719
Sunkissed19, Mar 09, 2010
i agree, shut up! your cant say anything other than that because girl im sitting here at 33 weeks....reclining... and i am "THAT" big lol im huge! u are little and cute....enjoy it before u become a beached whale like me!
1035252 tn?1427227833
Ashelen, Mar 09, 2010
thanks ladies, LOL...I'm enjoying taking pictures, because I only took a handful when I was pregnant with Kahlan... Oh well...I'll start taking pics of Kahlan and the belly soon and make a compromise.
1035252 tn?1427227833
Ashelen, Mar 10, 2010
oh hey I just realized..everyone who liked that pink shirt in the 19w belly pic...this is the other shirt that my husband picked out. obviously you can't see it well, but seriously, his good taste is starting to scare's a plain tank top..and it's adorable LOL