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my ultrasound at 6w 5d
my ultrasound at 6w 5d
Comments (13)
541150 tn?1306033843
PrettyKitty1, Mar 16, 2010
There it is!!! Our little bean! I remember when mine looked just like yours..but when I saw him/her she/he was bigger as I was 7 weeks PG, and measured 0.9 cm. Aww...
1145691 tn?1291478338
MissmyAngel, Mar 16, 2010
Wow, they must have a big growth spurt when they hit 7w. This was 6w 5d, but measured a day ahead! The heartbeat was 116 BPM, I hope that's ok. The tech said that was normal and should go up soon.
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frequent_tester, Mar 16, 2010
aww congratulations! I want one hee hee =-[
541150 tn?1306033843
PrettyKitty1, Mar 16, 2010
Honey don’t worry. My doc said I was 7 weeks and 7 days PG. That technically is 8 weeks but because I wasn’t sure of my LMP, he couldn’t tell for sure. Your baby is developing at a very normal rate. Sorry if I scared ya. And who knows...maybe I'm carrying a giant mutant hahahaha...j/k
1145691 tn?1291478338
MissmyAngel, Mar 16, 2010
Ah, yes, I know they do have a big growth spurt around 8 weeks. That explains it then :) Its ok, the tech said everything looked good, and the dates are based on how big the baby is, and according to the size, he/she is 1 day ahead of schedule:) So I know I don't need to worry. It is natural for a Mommy to worry about their baby though, lol!
I was actually expecting the baby to be a bit behind, because of when I got my positive HPT.
Thanks frequent_tester, I know you will get yours sometime soon :)
796506 tn?1370188305
nickieb85, Mar 16, 2010
Aw I had my first u/s at the same time and mine just looked like a little pea! Congrats! 2 Weeks later my baby looked like a baby and it is amazing how fast they grow!
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SueGre, Mar 16, 2010
Awww it's a tiny little gummy bear! Congrats :0)
1145691 tn?1291478338
MissmyAngel, Mar 16, 2010
Thanks:) Yes, it is amazing how fast they grow!
1124147 tn?1319061886
aaferguson, Mar 20, 2010
Aww look at the little one grow baby grow
1145691 tn?1291478338
MissmyAngel, Mar 20, 2010
Thanks :) Looks like me already, lol!