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26w I really feel like I've popped over the last few days
26w I really feel like I've popped over the last few days
Comments (3)
1035252 tn?1427227833
Ashelen, Apr 12, 2010
has anyone else had a belly change this big in less than a week? Literally that most recent pic taken in the pink shirt was less than a week ago...i guess my son's just going to be a monster, lol.
964234 tn?1331949207
HeatherLF16, Apr 12, 2010
I am 24 weeks today, but my baby boy is measuring a week or two ahead of schedule.  I swear mine will get bigger by the day.  Hubby sees me every day and he even notices.  I am going to have a monster  When my lap top is on my legs he will kick and it will shake.  I am afraid hehe!  
You are looking great I need a belly pic :)
1035252 tn?1427227833
Ashelen, Apr 13, 2010
LOL thank you! I feel like a whale already...can't believe I've got 14wks left. I was HUGE at the end with my daughter and I'm afraid I'm gonna be even bigger this time...oh boy! lol