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she was pissed because I brought her in out of the sun!!!
she was pissed because I brought her in out of the sun!!!
Comments (6)
229760 tn?1291467870
rdh1981, May 31, 2010
Awww, my poor Taylor! She does not like to go outside?? Tell her she better start to like it if she wants to hang out with outside loving Boyfriend!!!
419158 tn?1316571604
blueeyedtabbycat, May 31, 2010
no she loves being outside. She was mad because I brought her in, lol. I dont know why their sunblock doesnt work like it should, they always end up sunburned while I try to tan with pure oil and get nothing:~(
229760 tn?1291467870
rdh1981, May 31, 2010
What kind of sunscreen are you using? They just had a big list of sunscreens that do not work! Sure enough Cruz's Banana Boat For Babies (SPF 100) was on the list!
419158 tn?1316571604
blueeyedtabbycat, May 31, 2010
wow, I didnt know they made spf 100!!! We use babies/kids banana boat spf 30, I wonder................................
1201929 tn?1293708072
onyxangel, Jun 10, 2010
oh no no no dont cry pooky :( awwww she is just gorgeous god bless her. That's awesome rdh. I didnt know they made 100spf either butter those babies up real good, then outside to conquer the world ..... or backyard haha.
358455 tn?1277433619
luv2bmommy, Jun 25, 2010
precious! love pics like this!