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This is my geographic tongue. I am HIV, HSV-2, Syphilis, Chlamydia, and Gonorrhea negative.
This is my geographic tongue. I am HIV, HSV-2, Syphilis, Chlamydia, and Gonorrhea negative.
Comments (4)
1450116 tn?1285262731
Sir_Spazalot, Sep 19, 2010
My tongue looks something like that right now.  I don't have any genitally related symptoms at all. I'm also IgA deficient. Idk what to think.  I was on medicine that made my mouth really dry too. And supposedly that can cause white tongue also
1390055 tn?1365615055
flow1987, Sep 20, 2010
Having white stuff on your tongue can be normal, especially if there are not lesions, scars, or issues going on underneath it, and trust me, you would know if there was something going on underneath the white stuff.
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Moe1984, Apr 19, 2012
hi man , my tongue looks like urs but not batches the whole tongue is white i mean the tongue it self and i cant scarab it and have these little red dots on it i tested for HIV 1/2 and came negative after 6 weeks of exposure ! but i have dry mouth , do u think its related to something but the HIV or its geographic tongue ? i didnt test for syphilis , chlamydia or gonorrhea ? should i get test ? thanks in advance
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Hogue57, Feb 22, 2014
How is a white coated tongue normal? My whole life my tongue has been red and pink. I think that is normal. I have tested neg for HIV and everything else that my doctor could test me for. Yet I still have this white coating. It tastes sour or bitter and feels like I have something stuck in the back of my throat. Out of all the doctors I've seen one said I had thrush one said I had Lukaplacia. One said I had burning mouth syndrome. The truth is most doctors do not know what the hell they are diagnosing and are just guessing.
