will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.
The sclerotherapy bandages and compression stocking. Big ouchies Dec 14 2010
The sclerotherapy bandages and compression stocking. Big ouchies Dec 14 2010
Comments (6)
219241 tn?1413537765
redheadaussie, Dec 14, 2010
Please excuse the muffin top thigh, and the bad paint job on the heater tiles and the cat in the corner.. Hey Oscar! How'd you get there? He is such a camera hog!
1157646 tn?1343967128
Nat_16, Dec 14, 2010
Looks very ouchie!!!!!

Gorgeous cat...Hi Oscar!!!!! :)
1504101 tn?1299155264
ACNSC, Dec 14, 2010
Love the eyelets on your dress/skirt! Kitty has a look like "OH GREAT!...She's doing ~it~ again" BAHAHAHA
219241 tn?1413537765
redheadaussie, Dec 14, 2010
You wouldn't believe it, but I bought that skirt in USA last year at a good will store for $4. I got lots of compliments yesterday when I wore it. Yes, you are right, Oscar is thinking that very thing I am sure! He's getting bored with my photographic updates, I think!

681148 tn?1437661591
FurballsMom, Oct 13, 2011
Ouch.  What a beautiful Siamese kitty.  Is he a blue point or a seal point?  Cats are funny.  They seem to figure out how to pose for a camera without anyone trying to tell them what to do.
219241 tn?1413537765
redheadaussie, Oct 13, 2011
He's a Seal Point and very smart and bossy! Mind you I wouldn't be without him!