Is this a +OPK????
Is this a +OPK????
Comments (3)
1160836 tn?1332330169
Sobie, Dec 20, 2010
LOOK good... SSBD and keep that BDing up...
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Maybe-baby, Dec 22, 2010
Almost, I'd say it'll be stronger later in say or next day. Just keep up BDing and testing for a better frame of reference! Generally the line should be completely dark as or darker than...half dark counts as non positive...I think this photo shows a half and half? Everyone is different though, just keep testing and you'll know whether u would normally get a darker line ir if this is it! Good luck :-)
1302038 tn?1439575232
TinaR10, Dec 22, 2010
looks good but not let 100% positive I would retest today and see whats up and Keep Bedinggg bc OPK's can never be 100%