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This is the Face of Thyroid Disease! Jan 2 2010
This is the Face of Thyroid Disease! Jan 2 2010
Comments (5)
219241 tn?1413537765
redheadaussie, Jan 01, 2011
For one whole week I have been helping my friend pack and move his stuff out of storage/factory which is 156 square foot and 20 foot roofline. It was PACKED to the rafters! We hired some people, but still having to rush to be out by midnight Dec 31 2010. We are still working there two days later. Not fun to find out my pension has been cut in half also, due to my teen son not going to school or getting a job. He not once has bothered to come and give a hand, yet his mates have all been fantastic! I feel crap, I look crap, I can't believe I have to keep pushing myself. My family all told me it's my friend's problem not mine to move, and I had to tell them it's my stuff there also. He has been so kind to me over the years I offered my help in return.

  Did the family offer when I asked for help when I could feel my body start to cave in on Tuesday? I am putting this same pic up on facebook and I do not care what nasty things they say. I AM the Face of Thyroid Disease! January is Thyroid Awareness month. Well, people should start to realise it IS debilitating to be 'normal' !!!!!!
1157646 tn?1343967128
Nat_16, Jan 01, 2011
You go girl!  You put this pic on facebook...the sad truth is, we can't always look or feel good (as much as it would be lovely).  People need to know what it can be like.  
219241 tn?1413537765
redheadaussie, Jan 02, 2011
SHITE!!! I just looked at this again....I look awful!!!!!!! Funny how no one has commented on my facebook posting of it. Thyroid awareness is my game, and I aim to keep pushing that message! Love me, love my Hashimoto's I say!
1157646 tn?1343967128
Nat_16, Jan 02, 2011
It's not that bad!!!!

I've got a few horrid pics on my facebook and they rarely get comments...but, I don't care!  It's me in those pics; the good and the bad.  I come with hashi's and graves so everyone just has to get used to it!  
1445110 tn?1388209711
HessyKat, Jan 02, 2011
I also look that way too except with blonde hair. Then there are days I look in the mirror and look absolutely like a different well rested person. My son can just look at me when we get up and know how I feel he has been around mefor so long with these horrid Hashi symptoms. Hope you feel better. That is just what happens to us with this disease when we try to do too much. Take Care.