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What an exquisite butterfly...I see God in this picture. How can you not? And in my own backyard.
What an exquisite butterfly...I see God in this picture. How can you not? And in my own backyard.
Comments (9)
346570 tn?1267500027
CaliGirl48, Jun 28, 2008
I couldn't agree more =)
409760 tn?1271037972
gentle51, Jul 22, 2008
You must have a terrific camera..I think this picture is trully breath taking.
231441 tn?1333892766
Super_sally888, Jul 31, 2008
wow! your photos are so beautiful.  Your Scott looks like a gem too 1 :)
230948 tn?1235844329
uk2, Feb 15, 2009
This is truely a gift from God i love taking photos specially of the wild and beach, i wish i could take photos like that.
365714 tn?1292199108
MJIthewriter, Feb 16, 2009
Nice photo.
439903 tn?1380137882
Asking4aMiracle, Apr 09, 2009
Wow, you are an amazing photographer!!
847433 tn?1243009652
missy142, Jun 14, 2009

Are you a photographer?  like a professional one I mean.  This is a gorgeous photo, unbelievable.

195469 tn?1388322888
Heather3418, Jun 15, 2009
Missy,  I am not a photographer.  The great camera my sweetheart bought me this past Christmas, does all the work. I can take no credit.  I just find the shot in my mind's eye that pleases me and click.  Thank goodness this butterfly sat still long enough to get the picture.  This is nature in all her colorful best.  I was just lucky enough to catch it with a camera.  The colors are spectacular, so that's why it's my favorite picture.  I DO see God in this picture.  He made all of this, for us to enjoy.
941625 tn?1263581782
Armygirl73, Jul 28, 2009
Your photos are beautiful. There are very inspiring and relaxing. Do you do this professionally too?