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The Buddha Stump
The Buddha Stump
Comments (5)
1118884 tn?1338592850
29sillygirl, Mar 23, 2010
How beautiful! Calming sight: Buddha on mossy tree stump.  Art outdoors.
370181 tn?1716862802
RubyWitch, Mar 23, 2010
I have had this Buddha statue for over 30 you can see, he is slowly disappearing, but I can't bring myself to replace him. Perhaps because we are disappearing together...........He IS very calming for me. You are the first to ever comment on him. Thank you
1118884 tn?1338592850
29sillygirl, Apr 25, 2010
I love your comment.  Just noticed after writing a note.  Thanks for giving us the lovely pictures of your home and yard. We will all gradually disappear: Your lovely statue of Buddha can be a calming reminder of the power of acceptance. I could not part with him either.  Blessings, Ann
370181 tn?1716862802
RubyWitch, Apr 25, 2010
I have a special place in my yard that I read on nice days. It's in my pet cemetery and I hope you don't find that morbid. It is a very peacful place to me. It is set amongst giant, towering evergreens, there is an old rickety adirondak chair I curl up in, all around me are the little white crosses I have made to mark where my friends have been laid to rest, there is a tree very close by and for every pet I bury, I hang a windchime to remember them by. There are close to 25 chimes there now...........some of the graves are for my chickens..........(we don't kill our pets) Some days, when there is a breeze, the music of the chimes is magical. I will stop reading, close my eyes and spend time in my heart remembering each and everyone of them.
Sometimes at night, when I'm laying in bed, I will hear a chime and hurry to fall asleep............I want to believe that one of my beloved pets wants to visit me in my dreams.
Guess you didn't know I was quite so loony, eh?
1118884 tn?1338592850
29sillygirl, Aug 19, 2011
Linda, I must be the world's worst poster.  Just saw your note....thanks so much for sharing. The description of your reading place is wonderful.  As an apt. dweller, I keep ashes.  My son's included now....It would be lovely to be able to sit among those who have passed to the spirit world.

My place needs chimes.  Last were given me by another tenant....and broke.  Tomorrow's chore: more incense and chimes:).

We have minds on the same wavelength....Love, Ann