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Jefferson was so small here!
Jefferson was so small here!
Comments (8)
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mayflowers, Feb 28, 2008 adorable!
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Van73, Apr 01, 2008
now this one is my favorite!!
177465 tn?1288238463
rubyolivia, Apr 01, 2008
I have a hunch that all the comforters he has eaten through his life increased his size. Just a hunch...
684658 tn?1239384954
driftersgal, Dec 05, 2008
I like this one the best!
306455 tn?1288862071
flmagi, Jan 04, 2009
Oh, Your Jefferson looks just like my Rocky! So sweet, both of them!
306455 tn?1288862071
flmagi, Jan 04, 2009
lol, I just realized, Jefferson is a Doby, my Rocky is a Rotty. They look the same as puppies.
365714 tn?1292199108
MJIthewriter, Jan 04, 2009
I thought Jefferson was a Great Dane when I saw the picture. Yeah they are big dogs!  Especially put next to a puppy.
365714 tn?1292199108
MJIthewriter, Jan 04, 2009
Okay correction, Jefferson is the small one. That does look like a rottie. Who's the big great dane?