And this is me now, just 10 months after being hospitalized with Acute Alcoholic Hepatits....
And this is me now, just 10 months after being hospitalized with Acute Alcoholic Hepatits....
Comments (4)
1715604 tn?1332089576
NatM80, Jun 28, 2011
This is one of my favourite recent photo's - It was taken at The Petwood Hotel, Woodhall Spa, Lincolnshire, UK in May 2011, just 10 months after being admitted to hospital with Acute Alcoholic Hepatitis.

I nearly died.

I got the all clear in February of this year (2011) - I can't believe it, I have been SO lucky, and I thank The Lord every single night for giving me another chance.

I did not choose to be an alcoholic.  Who does?  I had a terrrible breakdown when I lost my beloved Dad in the most tragic and traumatic of circumstances, and I fell to pieces.

And ended up nearly losing my own life.

Dad would be so tormented, knowing what I did to myself, and to those who love me, so it is with such joy that I am now well, and am beginning to repay those who never gave up on me.  I am very lucky.

I don't take anything for granted any more.  This awful disease has changed me.  I appreciate a sunny day, the breeze on my face, early morning birdsong, the list goes on.

What matters to me now is my health, peace, love and happiness, for myself and my loved ones.  I like nice things, but I no longer need nice things - There's a big difference.

So, may be I had to go through what I went through for a reason, because like I said, it has totally changed me, humbled me, and I think I am a better person for it.

I love life, and I will never, ever abuse it again.

657315 tn?1319491387
twehner5, Jul 04, 2011
WOW, you are doing amazing! To turn yourself around the way you have makes you the exception and not the norm. To hear the gratefulness in your "voice" is refreshing. I feel humbled and like it somehow cheapens what you have gone through to say "I applaud you," but for what it is worth - I do. Keep up the sparkling water! Keep up life!
1715604 tn?1332089576
NatM80, Jul 05, 2011
Thank you SO MUCH for your lovely words, they mean a lot to me, they really do.

I always imagined an alcoholic to be some scruffy person, sat on a park bench, drinking out of a bottle in a brown paper bag.

How wrong I was!!!  And how so very wrong of me to judge!

Natalie xxx
1402204 tn?1336371482
curlysue36, Sep 20, 2011
you look great and well done . i know how hard it is . i lived with it all my life my uncle died from it . my dad would be found in parks to drunk to get home . my brother is killing himself with it hes 38 and still drinks with his anti abuse . i want to say well done its not easy to kick this disease x