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BB on holiday in The Lake District 2006
BB on holiday in The Lake District 2006
Comments (7)
1916673 tn?1420233270
tonyb286, Dec 12, 2011
This is one of my favourite photos of BB ... we had hired a cottage in The Lakes for Christmas and she loved the daily walks ... then later just sitting there infront of the fire. I call that a "BB Pose", as she often lay down like that. My beautiful girl.
1832268 tn?1326816010
TwoBitsMom, Dec 12, 2011
Tony...This is my favorite picture of BB so far...!  She is absolutely stunning in this photo...What a Classy Lassy...!
Is this the one you are going to Frame...?
1916673 tn?1420233270
tonyb286, Dec 13, 2011
Hi Connie. Yeah, it is the one I'm framing - it will stand in the hallway where I will pass it several times a day. BB was very photogenic and was usually very happy to sit when the camera came out. A bit of a natural I think.
1868280 tn?1320165473
marksme, Dec 13, 2011
What a beautiful dog Tony. I can see her by your side and loving those daily walks. The wag of her tail and excitement
when you come into through the door. There is nothing like coming home to your family and best dog.
Thanks for sharing.

2361255 tn?1339608318
PrincesMom, Jun 27, 2012
This is such a great picture!
1916673 tn?1420233270
tonyb286, Jun 27, 2012
Thanks Paula. It's the one that still manages to bring tears to my eyes ... all too often ... as it was taken when she was in her prime, full of energy and full of life. I still miss her so very much.
5919590 tn?1376813493
mommy_to_boston, Aug 19, 2013
What an absolutely gorgeous photo! just beautiful