will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.
13 wks, 2 days, nuchal scan 28/12/12
13 wks, 2 days, nuchal scan 28/12/12
Comments (12)
1932259 tn?1332043513
kookyCaroline, Jan 25, 2012
What a beautiful photo!  You are truly blessed, not only for this beautiful baby thats on it's way, but for already being a mother.  I would love to see updated photos as the pregnancy progresses.  Much wishes, and lots of love, Caroline
1002983 tn?1349822086
Marietta2000, Jan 26, 2012
Thanks so much Caroline!  I am blessed & not a day goes by without me knowing this.  So many people take their children for granted, because they conceive so easily.  Doing it the hard way makes us cherish them that little bit more I'm sure.  Hugs & love to you too XOXOX