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Comments (11)
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10356, Apr 14, 2012
OHHHH OUCH !!! Look how swollen your ankle/foot was !! It is good it is there if you have to have metal screws non weight bearing so to speak although I'm sure if you are up on your feet to much it swells and becomes sore.. ouch. sara hates these pics I think her tummy turns lol
684676 tn?1503186663
onthefence, Apr 14, 2012
mine does not seem to bother me that much, and i am grateful for that!I saw your pic. and wow! looked to be intricate work , so many screws.......
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10356, Apr 16, 2012
yes there are a lot of screws Now my foot is made of screws plates bones and litigants and Believe me it lets me know how tight it is in there !! The Dr. that did the work was Brilliant !! He took over where another Dr. failed and allowed my foot to deteriorate to that point. I should have changed earlier but I flippen trusted him. It taught me a lot about Dr.'s and believing in them. they are human and fallible.. the Doc that did the surgery said he does not know of anyone having this much metal in their foot. the other Dr. was scheduling a appointment to remove it.. I have thought about doing that since when it hurts for days on end but I just can not bring myself to go there and my Dr. said I will still deal with pain so it would be better if I can keep it.. My enemy is appropriately named..

I'm very glad that yours does not give you a lot of problems very glad I would not wish the kind of pain I endure on anybody.. many times I have thought of getting on a pain management with gary controlling.. not ready in my mind but my body feels otherwise.. Now i think I tore my roator cuff.. grrrrrrrrrrrrrr
684676 tn?1503186663
onthefence, Apr 16, 2012
ouch!!! your foot is the worst i have seen (i seen alot injuries to)short of amputation. I recently changed Doctors and found a really good one(he suggested i stop opiates)and I really trust him but now they tell me he is permanently on leave, (wouldn't give me anymore info)I got this feeling he rocked the boat to many times w/medicaid, as we had long talks about current healthcare sys. and he told me instead of handing out cheap pain meds he likes to document everything and get surgery or rehab approved.I am going to miss him, he told me to go back to school as he went and became a doctor at 37 and now he said he is just 5 years older than I.
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10356, Apr 17, 2012
you know Trev that is not a bad idea.. you are definitely intelligent enough also knowledgeable.. I think maturity in perusing this kind of career would be a benefit.. I would love to have a Dr. that has knowledge of drugs and addiction. It does not have to be just a idea. I do not know how much education you have now but even starting a online class would get your brain back into the kind of problem solving that comes when learning in school. It only takes a small action in the direction you want to go The rest will follow..
684676 tn?1503186663
onthefence, Apr 17, 2012
I'll be honest I have a G.E.D that is where i met Gail, at Portland community college through a CETA program,(they paid street kids to attend) we was 17. otherwise I made it as far as 7th grade, (not because I had bad grades though.
I actually excelled at social studies w/67 out of 70 %. they said it was enough for University, i have to admit i am proud of that! I also passed the others fist time, .(ged tests).
i find now i enjoy a bit of writing, and may submit some short stories.Maybe my life story and a screen play, (hey drama sells lol!)
now if that ain't grandiose i don know wat is lol!!!!!
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10356, Apr 18, 2012
I made it to 10th but that is only because the state makes you go to school in juvenile hall.. I about lived there during my teen years. I was a rabbit.. a G.E.D. it is a high school equivalency. I think it is neat that you met Gail there :))
The short stories idea. I know is a possibility !! :) and a screenplay.. well all it takes is knowing the right people :)) There is nothing wrong with Grandiose It is better thinking tall then short so to speak... raw sells you are right.. and the peps that make it to the otherside are actually admired when their stories get out for they are survivors.. I'm so Grateful you survived Trev....
684676 tn?1503186663
onthefence, Apr 18, 2012
thank you so much! I realize its early in my new lifestyle , but I have faith & hope and don't feel as i am white knucklin it, and that is very important to me, i really am enjoying myself!, but at the same time i now value life and realize it can slip away in a second.
thank you for you being you, as it helped Gail & I tremendously!!!!
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10356, Apr 21, 2012
You are very welcome Trev.. and Thank you I blush..
I have waited for you for awhile now. I always knew you would get here I felt the pain you were in and I knew something had to give. I'm so Grateful it gave this way..
You have shown what you are made of Trev. I'm so Proud of you for all you two have accomplish.. You both know you can endure anything as long as you are not lost and disconnected from your heart your spirit your true self.
Not whitenuckeling it is a fantastic feeling !! Freedom truly :))
684676 tn?1503186663
onthefence, Apr 21, 2012
Thank you so much it warms my heart, especially coming from you.I am glad you showed the patience and grace to not give up on me, it means alot......
someday i hope to be able to help and give back too , as it makes me feel good, but I realize it is a long process , always learning it seems (me), and now I realize words can really influence some folks and I have to think before I speak.
Things are moving in the right direction,,, I can feel it!