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Aubree Hewitt
Aubree Hewitt
Comments (10)
3108371 tn?1361324069
achewitt, Jan 13, 2013
36 hours of labor
8lbs 7oz
21 inches long
born on 01/13/2013 @ 6:18pm
Latched on no problem
Hardly cries (didn't even cry when they gave her the vitamin K shot)
Sleeps like a rock
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acline93, Jan 13, 2013
Oh my goodness! She's adorable! lovee the little hat too! Now I can't wait for my little boy!
3108371 tn?1361324069
achewitt, Jan 13, 2013
She did poop on her way out but nothing serious. Her heart rate only dropped once but shot right back up in seconds. At first I wasn't progressing and stalled at 4cm but I got a very very small dose of pitocin and I went from a 4 to 9cm in minutes. So fast that it made me sick to my stomach and it was the only time I got sick. I did 6 sets of 3 pushes that were 8 seconds long and she was out. Once her head was out the doctor did the rest for me. They let me naturally tear and I only have one stitch on the inside and the rest are just lil paper cut like tears. Lots of blood during the pushing but now it's only period like. I'm only a lil sore. Just feels like I took the world's largest poo lol. The worst part of my entire delivery was that stupid blood pressure monitor that they put around your arm. During delivery and labor it goes off every 15 minutes unless you are getting an epidural then it's every 2 minutes while the meds are being put in. I got my epidural strengthened 3 times. They gave a high dosage the first time, once when I dilated to 9cm so I could catch a nap (which was amazing. Slept for 2 whole hours), and again right as she crowned so I wouldn't feel the placenta and them stitching me up. Overall it was an amazing experience and the staff was amazing and even the specialist who did my epi was cheering me on and helping me push into my contractions. And honestly it felt amazing to push because with the epi it just felt like I had to potty.
3108371 tn?1361324069
achewitt, Jan 13, 2013
Thank you acline93! I'm so in love and as soon as she came out I was speechless and I couldn't stop crying. It was just a big release. The pain stopped immediately after she came out. I just broke down.
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acline93, Jan 14, 2013
Aww! you definitely sound like a trooper! I hope I'm as strong as you!
3108371 tn?1361324069
achewitt, Jan 14, 2013
It went a lot smoother than I thought it would. Once I got my epidural I was fine other than a few minor discomforts as far as getting sick and the blood pressure sleeve I was good. Your instincts kick in as soon as your labor starts.
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psrivs, Jan 14, 2013
Congrats, what an adorable baby.
4043310 tn?1355912647
Franky91, Jan 14, 2013
Half the picture is cut I cant see her wee face!
4456535 tn?1355894638
flower216, Jan 14, 2013
Aww!! I wanna be as steong as you when i give birth you made me cry(':
3108371 tn?1361324069
achewitt, Jan 14, 2013
I posted more pictures.