will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.
Gettin' Messy w/It
Gettin' Messy w/It
Comments (4)
437027 tn?1670266352
montie2, Aug 31, 2008
What a big boy now Jen!!  Eat up No!!
189192 tn?1261341628
Tanker Chic, Sep 01, 2008
That is pretty good aim... much better than Jake and I did in the beginning :)
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BMnomore, Sep 12, 2008
Well he is eating already? I"m i missing something? Brianne is 4mnths and a week, When did Noah start and what is he eating Jen...
254689 tn?1251180040
40smama, Sep 12, 2008
He started solids about two weeks ago.  He's eating rice cereal flavored w/applesauce (mil's idea), prunes (constipation) & green beans.  So far so good!