will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.
Mr. Handsome crusing around with Mommy :) His skin is smooth as silk right now and less puffy eyed!
Mr. Handsome crusing around with Mommy :) His skin is smooth as silk right now and less puffy eyed!
Comments (5)
1368655 tn?1387606389
HandOfFate, Jul 27, 2013
For those who have no idea what the "puffy eyes" and "smooth skin" comment means, it's just in reference to his severe allergies...both environmental and food. Not having his food allergies under complete control yet causes instant and severe eczema, hives and puffy eyes (bags), darkness under his eyes from time to time...well often and lasting for months.

We're really kicking it's butt now-days and we are a really tough crew, so don't ever feel like you can't comment with your true feelings to me. I love honesty! If you ever have any questions, please ask.

Oh and one last thing...Yes, I cut his hair...while he was, I did not use a bowl to shape it :P
961574 tn?1520648103
mhv, Jul 28, 2013
Ummmm, well, I WAS going to ask about the hair....maybe next time you cut it in his sleep, turn the light on first?????   Just a thought!  Lol....he is still so dashingly handsome :0)
1368655 tn?1387606389
HandOfFate, Jul 29, 2013
ROFL! I kept the lights off because I was afraid of the outcome! In the morning when he woke up I just said, OMG JAMES! What did you do to your hair!?

To this day, he thinks he must have cut his own hair or something...

just kidding, of course and isn't he so dang cute!!
961574 tn?1520648103
mhv, Aug 20, 2013
Girl,you crack me up!!  Poor boy is gonna think he gives himself funny haircuts!!  You should be glad he is so handsome, a bad haircut can't outshine that!!! Lol :)
1368655 tn?1387606389
HandOfFate, Aug 21, 2013
OMG MEL! OMG....just wait until I upload a picture of James's new haircut. My mom watched him for me and when I got home, his hair was CUT!!! She cut his hair!

I feel like a real dirt-bag, too because I flew off the handle and was like, "OMG MOM!!! What happened to his hair?!!"

It looks like he cut it himself, I SWEAR! Did you ever see that Leave it to Beaver episode where Wally is cutting Beavers hair because Beaver lost his haircut money and Beaver says, "Are you finished Wally?" and Wally replies, "I don't know, but I think I better stop."
I bet you anything, this was going through my moms head when she was cutting his hair. #1 it's a mullet. #2 need I say more?
okay I will, well it's all jig-jaggedy and looks like ...well not like my straight bowl cut :(

I did apologize to my mom. I can be a real *** :)


Again, sorry Mom.