will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.
Thought this was soo funny. talk about being in dangerous territory :|
Thought this was soo funny. talk about being in dangerous territory :|
Comments (16)
334926 tn?1436811523
butterflybabies, Jul 31, 2013
Yea my dog farts then sniffs like wth was that then walks away and lays elsewhere.
790669 tn?1465189099
Des_a_rae, Jul 31, 2013
Lol I love when they run from their own. Sadie my lil Chihuahua mix that I had.  She would be soo cute with her two front feet on the side of the couch, wagging her lil tail wanting up on the couch, until she let one rip and she'd take off running to her bed, she'd look around like "omg what was that?".  They're soo funny!!
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Ellen038, Jul 31, 2013
lmao Lily, farts and runs away

Des I don't think we will be able to put a diaper on her without her chewing it off like you described.  I think we will have to get the pants that go over the diaper or maybe I can put her pink tutu on her IDK but its my fault I waited.  I was having emotional issues about the pup we lost and couldn't cope with her going thru that and doing this last IVF.  I will have to have DH force me to do it now.  
790669 tn?1465189099
Des_a_rae, Jul 31, 2013
AWw it's okay I completely understand!!  LOL@ tutu.  She'd be soo cute!!   Yes I know Sophie would destroy hers lol.  And then play with it :|
1118302 tn?1422495161
yoha919, Aug 03, 2013
in deed lol
790669 tn?1465189099
Des_a_rae, Aug 03, 2013
Lol Yoha