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Grounded Beauty
Grounded Beauty
Comments (11)
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10356, Oct 21, 2008
Your title reminded me somehow, of the inherent beauty in a mighty tree like the Oak here in Cali after it has lived it's long long life, but yet still stands proudly with leaves to grace it no more..
547913 tn?1317355667
jimi1822, Oct 22, 2008
                                               It reminds me of a Celtic Cross
                                                    The Mighty Oak!!!
547913 tn?1317355667
jimi1822, Oct 22, 2008
Actually, what I meant was It reminds me of the "Fleur-de-lys" or "Lilly Flower" emblem :o)
577285 tn?1706032371
Burrpatch, Oct 22, 2008
Indeed !!  I have always been amazed at how a simple picture can speak in so many different ways and  can invoke wonder and emotion's that cause reflection, then memory's. I see much when I look at this pic., but then again, I always have been partial to the forest floor at all times of year. There is so much to see and discover if one looks deeply enough !! For instance, in this pic the bark on the birch tree is slightly peeled, exposing what I have sought countless of times while camping for use as a fire starter that will light the wettest of wood !  lol .... and I see more.
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mbell67, Oct 22, 2008
thank you for posting this beautiful picture - just what i needed to get my mind off issues
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10356, Oct 22, 2008
I believe if you soak the bark you can use it for a cast on a broken bone....
577285 tn?1706032371
Burrpatch, Oct 23, 2008
Thanks Ten thirty five, fifty six !!  lol !! Birch bark also contains "Salicylic acid" which is of course the active ingredient in "Aspirin" !! Making a tea by steeping the bark is a natural pain killer that was heavily used before they synthesized salicylic acid and called it Aspirin.   Natures medicine chest abounds with remedy's and cures for an amazing variety of ailments and sickness's !!   BURR P.
577285 tn?1706032371
Burrpatch, Oct 23, 2008
Opps... I meant to call you Ten thirty five six !!  lol !!  
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10356, Oct 26, 2008
I had always thought is was willow you would use for asprain Thank-you.. I always enjoy choices..
577285 tn?1706032371
Burrpatch, Oct 26, 2008
Yes, Willow contains Salicylic acid as well...another is the lowly mostly overlooked "Wintergreen" or "Teaberry" Plant !! Out your way it is sometimes called the "Mountain Berry". It has a special place in my heart for it was the first plant that I looked up, Identified and made tea of about 15 winters ago when I first started my Nature study's !! Just kick away some snow in the forest and there it be !! About the only green thing in the Winter besides the pines. They both have vitamin C. Although the pine is more of an emergency source for the vitamin. A bunch of guys in the north west were stranded in the winter of circa 1800 and were dying of scurvy. One began to eat pine needles and had a miraculous recovery. The ones still alive followed his example and it saved their lives !! Do you remember "Teaberry" Gum when you were younger ? The little red berry's on the tiny Wintergreen taste just like it !!  Yum Yum Yum Yum !! I always, and I mean Always, grab a handful of some Teaberrys whenever I am "Nature Tripping" !!  lol  GOOOOD !! ...And the tea that ya make from the leaves is EXTREMELY GOOD !! It has soothed many a hangovers and I actually had a cup this morn. to help with the flu !!  I mixed it with Red and White sweet Clover...very good for you and tastes wonderful !!  The white clover tastes like Vanilla !  Clears the head and gives your immune system a boost !! I always get a supply for the winter and it don't take long to pick and dry !! I got lots of wild herbs that I collect for a variety of ailments and just good ol' pleasure !!  Thank you for letting me ramble 'bout one of me favorite subjects !!  ttyl...BURR P.