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Aubree Wearing Her New Sleeper, It's 6-9 Months And Too Big!!
Aubree Wearing Her New Sleeper, It's 6-9 Months And Too Big!!
Comments (10)
2020005 tn?1628125976
KTowne, Oct 06, 2013
omg really!? chloe is almost out of 6-9 completely!!
2863077 tn?1436670789
Des92, Oct 06, 2013
Haha yea!  She still fits 6-9 pretty well, even though I think she's over the weight, but I've learned that the weight on the tag is almost pointless lol.  Her 3-6 onesies are just now starting to get too small!  How big is Chloe now?
1351078 tn?1416313146
retta483, Oct 06, 2013
aww she is so tiny
2863077 tn?1436670789
Des92, Oct 07, 2013
Retta, that's like the first time I've ever heard that! Everyone says "thats a big baby" makes me kinda sad. She was really big for her age at first, but she's really slowed down. I get her weighed on Friday but I'm guessing she weighs like 22 lbs.
1351078 tn?1416313146
retta483, Oct 07, 2013
i only had one tiny one my dd she was 6.11 my biggest was 10.1 at birth he was always so big  he wore 6 months from the start of life lol so yeah she looks tiny to me !!
2863077 tn?1436670789
Des92, Oct 07, 2013
Holy cow! I can't even imagine having a 10 lb baby at birth.
2020005 tn?1628125976
KTowne, Oct 07, 2013
Chloe was 14lbs 11ozs at her last check up, sounds small, but shes suppper long/tall and pretty skinny for the most part except her chunky little legs! She fits all of her clothes in weight, but the arms and legs are all too short for her! shes in 12 months pants right now
2863077 tn?1436670789
Des92, Oct 08, 2013
I think that's why Aubree is still wearing pretty small things. I don't think she has really grown in length, she's just chubby lol. She hasn't even really been gaining much weight at all lately. Yesterday we bought her this SUPER cute jacket/pants/onesie outfit from Walmart and we got it in 12 months.. she hasn't worn it yet but I'm pretty sure its gonna be big lol. In the sleeper she's wearing in this picture, its all loose on her, the sleeves are too long, the legs are too long and the feet are wayyyyy too big lol but its big and comfortable looking lol.
2020005 tn?1628125976
KTowne, Oct 08, 2013
Lol! I know all baby clothes look sooo comfortable!!
3224409 tn?1356206827
beauty12, Oct 22, 2013
Zain is almost out of his 6-9onsies lol... but he still fit in 3-6month shirts etc... only onesies are the ones i hve to change frequently in size and his shoes ... he is slim from waist etc..