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In 97 I watched Hale/Bop
over the frozen lake. While coyotes and Owls provided the music.
In 97 I watched Hale/Bop
over the frozen lake. While coyotes and Owls provided the music.
Comments (3)
460185 tn?1326077772
lonewolf07, Oct 27, 2008
It would be good to hear the coyotes and owls singing.  Both of them are a big part of Native culture.  So are rattlesnakes - haven't seen any big rattlesnakes in years.

577285 tn?1706032371
Burrpatch, Oct 27, 2008
The coyotes sing almost nightly but more so during the fuller moon cycles when they seem to be rejoicing over whatever kill they might be sharing. The racket can get quite loud. Cassy is keenly aware of them but instead of barking, she will just sit and quietly listen to their yips, wails, howls and eerie song. Almost as if each individual note were words of a language that she knows well. I often find myself muttering a prayer for the animal who was sacrificed as they sing their blood curtailing victory song. --------- The Owls are another nocturnal singer that I have always been fascinated with. The mighty WHO of the "Great Northern Owl" (the largest of the species) and the more common "Who cooks your foooood, Who cooks for yoooou !! " of the "Barred Owl" have kept me up many a night while out in the bush !! One sleepless night while sipping on some good Decaf Coffee, I heard some of the most frightening sounds I had ever heard. Owls were communicating with each other from afar with their Who's and Hoot's. The Hoot's began to come closer and closer, with at least 6 different voices from as many different directions. Then, after a short pause, ..... ALL HELL BROKE LOOSE !! I had never heard such vicious fighting, before or since then !! They couldn't have been more than a a few yards from my camp. I rushed to the fire and threw some more wood on, grabbed my gun and leashed Cassy !! My blood ran cold as I listened with my faithful girl to the ensuing battle with the unholy sounds of combat !! I half expected Talons to come slashing into my camp as the battle raged for an incredible 10 or so minutes !! Then, as suddenly as it started... there was a sort of cry... then silence, that seemed louder than the fight. I knew that the Owl could be deadly and that they often will swoosh silently upon a sleeping Hawk and snatch them from their nest, but what Cassy and I heard that night gave me a new found respect, awe and caution for these magnificent birds of prey !! .. BURR P.
495284 tn?1333894042
dominosarah, Oct 27, 2008
My cousin lives on the gunflint trail on the Minn./Canadian border and she said that is the eeriest noise you have ever heard.  She said owls are just brutal in their battles.  They look so nice and calm sitting in a tree.  She said the same thing about the respect and caution with the owls.