will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.
14 DPO :)
14 DPO :)
Comments (24)
613872 tn?1513028824
Llindar, Dec 23, 2013
This test is 25mlU sensitive and the T line is much stronger than on the 10mlU internet cheapies. Thank you Lord :) now I'm happy and my hubby is convinced too ;)
560091 tn?1437051032
Wits777, Dec 23, 2013
YAYAYYYYYYY!!!! I'm so extremely happy for you!!! Ahhh I could hug you right now!
613872 tn?1513028824
Llindar, Dec 23, 2013
Thank you Wits, you're a great friend! It's been a long journey and you were always there for me :) xoxo
560091 tn?1437051032
Wits777, Dec 23, 2013
I just love that this is right before Christmas.. I mean think of it.. This time next year you'll have baby to spend Christmas with!
1580318 tn?1550254481
Shannon79, Dec 23, 2013
Yawhoo!! So exciting!! You conceived right around the same time as I did 2 years ago. That means you'll be holding a baby in your arms the end of August! So thrilled for you!
613872 tn?1513028824
Llindar, Dec 23, 2013
Yep Wits, it brings tears to my eyes - tears of happiness this time. How many years I spent praying, wishing to have a baby or a + test by next Christmas - and never happened... I can't really express  all the feelings and thoughts that are buzzing in me right now. It's been 6 long years and I really hope this time it's for real!!!!! :)
1580318 tn?1550254481
Shannon79, Dec 23, 2013
I know how I was after 18 months of TTC, so I couldn't even imagine 6 years! What a fantastic Christmas present!
560091 tn?1437051032
Wits777, Dec 23, 2013
Will you call the doctors today?
613872 tn?1513028824
Llindar, Dec 23, 2013
Thank you Shannon :) I'm sure I'll be nagging you in the future I'll have soooo many questions :D August seems so far away right now but I know time is running fast (except in the first trimester) ;) I keep my FX little pea is sticky enough and this time we'll make it 'til the end!
1580318 tn?1550254481
Shannon79, Dec 23, 2013
Any questions you got, I'll do my best to answer them. Just shoot me message! I found the first trimester went by fast. The trimester that went by the slowest for me was the third. By that time you usually have aches and pains and sometimes swelling, exhausted all the time, can't get comfortable to sleep. You could get lucky and have a great pregnancy. My first pregnancy I loved being pregnant. My 2nd one not so much